Curriculum Vitae
- Professor of Finance, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), 2023 - present
- Director, CEIBS Research Center for Corporate and Capital Markets, 2024 - present
- Associate Professor of Finance, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), 2017 - 2022
- Assistant Professor of Finance, Singapore Management University, 2009-2017
- Ph. D, Washington University in St. Louis, 2009
- M.Phil, University of Cambridge, 2003
- B.A., Peking University, 1999
Research Interest
Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Financial Intermediation, Investment
- Political Influence, Bank Capital, and Credit Allocation, with Anjan Thakor, Management Science, forthcoming.
- Independent Director Tenure and Corporate Governance: Evidence from Insider Trading, with Meng Gao, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, published online.
- Liquid Stock as an Acquisition Currency, with Johan Maharjan and Vikram Nanda, 2024, Journal of Corporate Finance 85, 102562.
- The Information in Asset Fire Sales, with Matthew Ringgenberg and Joe Zhang, 2023, Management Science 69(9), 5066-5086.
- Why Do U.S. Firms Invest Less over Time? with Fangjian Fu and Rong Wang, 2022, Journal of Empirical Finance 69, 15-42.
- Bank Dependence and Bank Financing in Corporate M&A, with Ruichang Lu and Anand Srinivasan, 2022, Management Science 68(3), 2250-2283.
- The Role of Deferred Equity Pay in Retaining Managerial Talent, with Radhakrishnan Gopalan and Johan Maharjan, 2021, Contemporary Accounting Research 38(4), 2521-2554.
- Disagreement-induced CEO Turnover, with Johan Maharjan and Anjan Thakor, 2020, Journal of Financial Intermediation 43, 100819.
- The Persistence of Long-Run Abnormal Returns Following Stock Repurchases and Offerings, with Fangjian Fu, 2016, Management Science 62(4), 964-984.
- Managerial Expertise, Corporate Decisions and Firm Value: Evidence from Corporate Refocusing, 2014, Journal of Financial Intermediation 23, 348-375.
- Investor Heterogeneity, Investor-Management Disagreement and Share Repurchases, with Anjan Thakor, 2013, Review of Financial Studies 26 (10), 2453-2491.
Working Papers
- The Role of Boardroom Networks in the Selling of Firms, with Mengyao Kang
- Presented at FMA Asia, CEIBS, CICF, CFAM, Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference
- Corporate Digitalization: Firm-level Measurement and Effects, with Huilin Yang
- Presented at CEIBS, CUHK (Shenzhen), Ningbo University, Shanghai Jiaotong University (Antai), Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University, Workshop of Digital Finance Open Research Platform, Financial Markets & Corporate Governance Conference
- The Effect of Banks’ FinTech Adoption on Bank Deposits and Lending: Evidence from Banks' Partnering with Zelle, with Bo Jiang and Yajun Xiao
- Presented at CEIBS, EFA, Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, China Banking and Corporate Finance Youth Forum, International Conference on FinTech and Digital Finance at ZUEL, Second Annual Banking and Financial Intermediary Conference at UIBE, Shanghai-Edinburgh Fintech Conference, Sydney Banking and Financial Stability Conference, Workshop on Technology and Sustainable Development in China (XJTLU).
- Digital Technology, Gender, and Environmental Behavior, with Shaoyan Jiang and Qigui Liu
- Winner of the Excellent Paper Award in the Third Annual Summit of Digital Finance Open Research Platform (2021-2022)
- Presented at AEA (poster session), CEIBS, Annual Summit of Digital Finance Open Research Platform, Annual Conference on Big Data, AI, and Fintech at Sun Yat-Sen University, International Conference on Finance & Technology (ICFT), ADBI-SOAS Sustainable Finance for Asia’s Net Zero Transition, 7th Shanghai-Edinburgh-London Green Finance Conference
- China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), 2017-present
- 公司金融 Corporate Finance (EMBA, Global EMBA, Executive Education)
- 高级公司金融 Advanced Corporate Finance (MBA)
- 兼并与收购 Mergers & Acquisitions (DBA, EMBA, FMBA, Executive Education)
- 资产证券化在中国的实践 Asset-backed Securitization in China (FMBA)
- 产融结合与金融创新 Business-finance Integration and Financial Innovations (EMBA, FMBA, Executive Education)
- Singapore Management University
- Financial Instruments, Institutions, and Markets, 2010-2017
- Washington University in St. Louis, 2006-2007
- Financial Markets and Analysis, 2007
- Introduction to Microeconomics, 2006
Case Development
- 黄生,黄夏燕,孟圆. 2022. "浙民投要约收购振兴生化(A):“野蛮人”来敲门"/(B):“野蛮人”进门之后". CI-120-058/059. 入选“中国工商管理国际案例库”(www.ChinaCases.Org)
- 2022中国工商管理国际最佳案例奖(一等奖)
- Huang, Sheng, Huang, Xiayan and Meng, Yuan. 2023. ZUIG’s Tender Offer Takeover of Zhenxing Biochem (A): Barbarians at the Gate/(B): Barbarians Enter the Gate. Accepted by Harvard Business Publishing
- First Prize Winner of the 2022 Global Contest for the Best China-focused Cases
- 黄生,张驰,孟圆. 2021. "曲美家居要约收购Ekornes(A):并购战略/ (B):交易安排". CI-120-011/018. 入选“中国工商管理国际案例库”(www.ChinaCases.Org)
- Huang, Sheng, Zhang, Chi and Meng, Yuan. 2022. QuMei’s Takeover Bid for Ekornes (A): Decision-Making Process/(B) Transaction Arrangements. Accepted by Harvard Business Publishing
- 黄生,孟圆,许雷平. 2021. "美年(A):体检行业的搏击者/(B):“深水区”的挑战". CI-120-012/011.
- 黄生,张驰,孟圆. 2020. "顾家家居:并购扩张之路". CI-120-031. 入选“中国工商管理国际案例库”(www.ChinaCases.Org)
- 黄生,孟圆. 2020. "Salesforce:行业颠覆者的“成才”之路". CI-320-063.
- 黄生,孟圆. 2020. "格力电器的“混改”". CI-120-090.
- 黄生,张高乐. 2022. “石头科技”.
Media Coverage (Selective)
- “解读新‘国九条’:逻辑、意义与工作重点“,2024-04-20,证券时报
- “美欧银行业危机何时接近尾声?”,2023-03-29,国际金融报,
- “全面注册制的中长期影响”,2023-03-18,证券时报
- “时至今日,中国企业能否放弃美股市场?”,2022-11-12,证券时报
- “中国经济的中长期风险:地缘政治风险的明与暗”, 2022-5-23,经济观察报
- “Efforts to spur investor interest key to BSE,” 2021-12-06, China Daily
- “黄生:上市公司治理更需要体系思维”, 2021-12-06,经济观察报
- “北交所考题:当下和长远”,2021-11-15,经济观察报
- “A股资本市场资源分化,中小市值企业何去何从”,2021-11-08,中国证券报
- “企业上市了,然后呢?”,2021-08-13,第一财经
- “中小市值上市企业面临四大‘陷阱’”,2021-08-12,经济观察网
- “Industrial integration, mindset overhaul key to value creation, development,” 2021-02-22, China Daily
- “2021年,中国企业面临的四大风险和两大机遇”,2021-01-04,第一财经
- “我们需要更强的上市公司”,2020-10-12,经济观察报
- “资本市场“内循环”良性启动”,2020-09-21,经济观察报
- “一场“战役”打开产业链产、融、政结合新格局”,2020-02-26,第一财经
- “华为境内首发债复盘:一只债券背后的战略谋划”,2019-11-29,经济观察网
- “股份回购制度红利,上市公司如何用的更好?”,2019-06-13,哈佛商业评论(中文版)
- “企业一窝蜂做金融如何可持续”,2018-05-29,中国青年报
- “产业与金融如何共生共舞?”,2018-05-16,财富中文网
- “解析企业通过产融结合实现转型升级之道”,2018-05-08,经济观察网
- “从服务产业而内生的金融更坚实风险更小”,2018-04-25,新华社-中国财富网
- “创新企业利用资本市场发展的新思路”,2018-04-09,经济观察报
- “Don’t Give Up on Buybacks Just Yet”, May 7, 2017, Wall Street Journal