Department of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management

China Europe International Business School

Shanghai 201206, China

Phone: (86) 13482520465

E-mail: kwanhokwong@163.com, kwanhokwong@ceibs.edu

ORCID : 0000-0002-2273-6989




Dr. Kwan, Ho Kwong (Michael) is an Associate Professor of Management in the Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Department at China Europe International Business School (CEIBS). He received his undergraduate, MPhil, and MSc degrees from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), MBA degree from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), and PhD from Drexel University. He has published over 100 articles in journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Personnel Psychology. His scholarly works have been impactful with over 10,000 Google Scholar citations. He achieved the honor of one of the 20212023 World’s Most Cited Chinese Researchers, released by Elsevier, and he was included in the 2024 World’s Top 2% Scientists list, published by Stanford University and Elsevier. He was a speaker of TEDxShenzhen and a recipient of the research awards from AOM and SIOP, the teaching awards from Drexel University and The Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and the reviewer of the year award from Human Relations (2023). His work has been covered in media outlets, such as Bloomberg, Bilibili, China Daily, and Spotlight on China. His policy recommendations on promoting the high-quality development of entrepreneurship of returned rural migrant workers received special attention from authorities concerned. He is currently a Senior Editor for Asia Pacific Journal of Management, an Editorial Review Board Member for Human Relations, Human Resource Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Management and Organization Review, and Personnel Psychology, and a Board Representative for Asia Academy of Management (20192026).




china europe international business school

·           Associate Professor in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (2019Date)

Tongji University

·           Professor, Advanced Institute of Business Research (20172019)

·           Department Head of Organization and Management, School of Economics and Management (20172019)

Shanghai University of finance and economics

·           Associate Professor in Human Resource Management (20152017; 2016 tenured)

·           Department Head of Human Resource Management (20142017)

·           Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management (20122015)





Drexel University

·           Doctor of Philosophy in Organization and Strategy (Major: Organizational Behavior; Minor: Strategic Management)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

·           Master of Philosophy in Management

The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

·           Master of Business Administration

·           One semester MBA exchange program in Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis, U.S.A.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

·           Master of Science in Global Business

The university of queensland, australia

·           Graduate Diploma of Business Administration              

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

·           Bachelor of Arts (Chinese Language, Second Upper Class Honors)     





·           Mentoring (Benefits and costs for mentors and protégés)

·           Leadership (Outcomes of ethical leadership, empowering leadership, exploitative leadership, servant leadership, transformational leadership, and leader-member exchange)

·           Deviant Behavior (Antecedents and outcomes of envy, gossip, incivility, ostracism, abusive supervision, and sexual harassment)

·           Work-Family Interfaces (Antecedents and outcomes of work-family conflict, enrichment, and balance)





Wu, L.-Z., Huang, Y., Sun, Z., Lyu, Y., Ye, Y., Kwan, H. K., & Liu, X. Perceived organizational exploitation and organizational citizenship behavior: A social identity perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. (forthcoming)


Kwan, H. K., Chen, Y., Tang, G., Zhang, X., & Le, J. Power distance orientation alleviates the beneficial effects of empowering leadership on actors’ work engagement via negative affect and sleep quality. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. (forthcoming)


Xu, X., Kwan, H. K., Wei, F., & Wang, Y. Who is likely to be ostracized? The easy target is the Dark Triad. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. (forthcoming)


David, E. M., Kim, T.-Y., Kwan, H. K., & Liu, Z. Trickle-down effects of corporate social responsibility on employee outcomes: The mediating role of family-supportive supervisor behaviors. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. (forthcoming)


Li, M., Kwan, H. K., Chen, S.-Q., & Tian, Q.-T. Empowerment in hospitality: Does leader-follower congruence in family-supportive supervisor behaviors empower follower creativity? Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. (forthcoming)


Ye, Y., Liu, X., Wu, L.-Z., Cheng, X.-M., & Kwan, H. K. Desperate times call for desperate measures: The impact of job insecurity on workplace cheating behavior. Journal of Business Ethics. (forthcoming)


Ye, Y., Wu, L.-Z., Kwan, H. K., & Liu, X. From deception to rejection: Unraveling the impact of workplace cheating behavior on coworker ostracism. Journal of Business Ethics. (forthcoming)


Khan, A. N., & Kwan, H. K. AI, agility, and environmental performance: A new framework for construction project managers. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. (forthcoming)


Kwan, H. K., Wang, Y., Wu, X., & Ouyang, X. CEO family harmony and firms’ product innovation performance: A moderated mediation model of the CEOTMT interface. Journal of Management and Organization. (forthcoming)


Zhang, Y., Chen, H., Hu, Z., & Kwan, H. K. 2025. Lose no time! We have lost too much already: Firm adversity and CEO temporal leadership. Journal of Business Research, 188: 115085.


Hu, Z., Kwan, H. K., Li, J., & Zhang, Y. 2024. Dealing with negative mentoring experiences: The roles of ‘can-do’ and ‘reason-to’ factors. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 62(1): e12387.


Xu, X., Li, M., Kwan, H. K., & Zhang, X. 2024. The antecedents of moral identity: A meta-analytic review. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 41(3): 16971728.


Liu, X., Wu, L.-Z., Ye, Y., & Kwan, H. K. 2024. Are humorous frontline employees hotels’ secret weapons? Investigating when and why employee sense of humor promotes service performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 118: 103667.


Khan, A. N., Mehmood, K., & Kwan, H. K. 2024. Green knowledge management: A key driver of green technology innovation and sustainable performance in construction organizations. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 9: 100455.


Hu, Z., Kwan, H. K., Zhang, Y., & Li, J. 2024. The effects of negative mentoring experiences on protégés’ turnover intention: The roles of harmonious work passion and moqi with the mentor. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 39(6): 716731.


Li, M., Xu, X., & Kwan, H. K. 2023. The antecedents and consequences of workplace envy: A meta-analytic review. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 40(1): 1–35.


Chen, H., Kwan, H. K., & Ye, W.-L. 2023. Effects of sexual harassment on work-family enrichment: The roles of organization-based self-esteem and polychronicity. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 40(2): 409–434.


Zhang, H., Yang, Z., Kwan, H. K., & Wu, F. 2023. Social impact of workplace ostracism on family social support: A moderated mediation model. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 41(4): 1643–1682.


Lyu, Y., Wu, C.-H., Kwan, H. K., Lee, C., & Deng, H. 2023. Why and when job insecurity hinders employees’ taking charge behavior: The role of flexibility and work-based self-esteem. Economic and Industry Democracy, 44(3): 853–874.


Sun, Z., Wu, L.-Z., Ye, Y., & Kwan, H. K. 2023. The impact of exploitative leadership on hospitality employees' proactive customer service performance: A self-determination perspective. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(1): 4663.


Rahaman, H. M. S., Kwan, H. K., Babalola, M. T., & Chen, H. 2023. Putting customer service at risk: Why and when family ostracism relates to customer-oriented behaviors. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 109: 103390.


Ye, Y., Chen, M., Wu, L.-Z., & Kwan, H. K. 2023. Why do they slack off in teamwork? Understanding frontline hospitality employees’ social loafing when faced with exploitative leadership. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 109: 103420.


Lyu, Y., Wu, L.-Z., Ye, Y., Kwan, H. K., & Chen, Y. 2023. Rebellion under exploitation: How and when exploitative leadership evokes employees' workplace deviance. Journal of Business Ethics, 185(3): 483–498.


Mehmood, K., Iftikhar, Y., Khan, A. N., & Kwan, H. K. 2023. The nexus between high-involvement work practices and employees’ proactive behavior in public service organizations: A time-lagged moderated-mediation model. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 16: 1571–1586.


Kwan, H. K. 2023. How should companies manage employees with side hustles

当员工拥有了副业,企业如何管理. Business Management Review 商学院, December. (in Chinese) (人大复印资料全文转载, 20245)


Ye, Y., Lyu, Y., Wu, L.-Z., & Kwan, H. K. 2022. Exploitative leadership and service sabotage. Annals of Tourism Research, 95: 103444.


Lu, F., Kwan, H. K., & Ma, B. 2022. Carry the past into the future: The effects of CEO temporal focus on succession planning in family firms. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 39(2): 763804.


Chen, H., Kwan, H. K., & Xin, J. 2022. Is behaving unethically for organizations a mixed blessing? A dual-pathway model for the work-to-family spillover effects of unethical pro-organizational behavior. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 39(4): 15351560.


Hu, Z., Li, J., & Kwan, H. K. 2022. The effects of negative mentoring experiences on mentor creativity: The roles of mentor ego depletion and traditionality. Human Resource Management, 61(1): 39–54.


Kwan, H. K., Chen, H., & Chiu, R. K. 2022. Effects of empowering leadership on followers work-family interface. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33(7): 14031436.


Chen, J., Simsek, Z., Liao, Y., & Kwan, H. K. 2022. CEO self-monitoring and corporate entrepreneurship: A moderated mediation model of the CEOTMT interface. Journal of Management, 48(8): 2197–2222.


Song, Y., Tian, Q.-T., & Kwan, H. K. 2022. Servant leadership and employee voice: A moderated mediation. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 37(1): 1–14.


Kwan, H. K., Li, M., Wu, X., & Xu, X. 2022. The need to belong: How to reduce workplace ostracism. Service Industries Journal, 42(910): 716–737.


Wu, X., Chen, Y., Yan, R., & Kwan, H. K. (Guan, H.). 2022. Core self-evaluation and employee creativity: A perspective based on the self-consistent theory 基于自我一致性理论视角的员工创造力产生机制研究. Management Review 管理评论, 34(9): 243–253. (in Chinese)


Ye, Y., Zhu, H., Chen, Y., Kwan, H. K., & Lyu, Y. 2021. Family ostracism and proactive customer service performance: An explanation from conservation of resources theory. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 38(2): 645–667.


Kwan, H. K. 2021. Temporal focus and the art of passing the family biz baton. China Daily, 31 May.


Lu, F., Kwan, H. K., & Zhu, Z. 2021. The effects of family firm CEO traditionality on successor choice: The moderating role of socioemotional wealth. Family Business Review, 38(2): 645–667.


Li, M., Xu, X., & Kwan, H. K. 2021. Consequences of workplace ostracism: A meta-analytic review. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 641302.


Xu, X., Wang, Y., Li, M., & Kwan, H. K. 2021. Paradoxical effects of performance pressure on employees’ in-role behaviors: An approach/avoidance model. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 744404.


Kwan, H. K., Chen, H., Hu, Z., & Li, J. 2021. The effects of mentor alcohol use norms on mentorship quality: The moderating role of protégé traditionality. Human Resource Management, 60(3): 349–362.


Ye, Y., Lyu, Y., Kwan, H. K., Chen, X., & Cheng, X.-M. 2021. The antecedents and consequences of being envied by coworkers: An investigation from the victim perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 94: 102751.


Wu, L.-Z., Sun, Z., Ye, Y., Kwan, H. K., & Yang, M. 2021. The impact of exploitative leadership on frontline hospitality employees’ service performance: A social exchange perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 96: 102954.


Hu, Y.-L., Wang, M., Kwan, H. K., & Yi, J. 2021. Mentorship quality and mentors’ work-to-family positive spillover: The mediating role of personal skill development and the moderating role of core self-evaluation. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(9): 1899–1922.


Yu, X., Mehmood, K., Paulsen, N., Ma, Z., & Kwan, H. K. 2021. Why safety knowledge cannot be transferred directly to expected safety outcomes in construction workers: The moderating effect of physiological perceived control and the mediating effect of safety behavior. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 147(1): 04020152.


Wu, C.-H., Kwan, H. K., Liu, J., & Lee, C. 2021. When and how favour rendering ameliorates workplace ostracism over time: Moderating effect of self-monitoring and mediating effect of popularity enhancement. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 94(1): 107–131.


Babalola, M. T., Kwan, H. K., Ren, S., Agyemang-Mintah, P., Chen, H., & Li, J. 2021. Being ignored by loved ones: Understanding when and why family ostracism inhibits creativity at work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(3): 349–364.


Nguyen, L. T., Chen, S., & Kwan, H. K. 2021. CEO temporal focus and corporate philanthropy: The moderating role of ownership. Sage Open, 11(1): 118.


Ullah, F., Wu, Y., Mehmood, K., Jabeen, F., Iftikhar, Y., Acevedo-Duque, Á, & Kwan, H. K. 2021. Impact of spectators’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility on regional attachment in sports: Three-wave indirect effects of spectators’ pride and team identification. Sustainability, 13(2): 597.


Kwan, H. K. 2021. Effective policies for enterprises to cope with workplace sexual harassment

企业应对职场性骚扰良策. Harvard Business Review CHINA 哈佛商业评论中文版, December: 132–135. (in Chinese)


Xu, X., Li, M., Kwan, H. K., & Wang, Y. 2021. The influence of family harmony on employee resilience: The roles of self-efficacy and perceived social support 家庭和谐对员工韧性的影响: 自我效能感与社会支持的作用. Human Resources Development of China 中国人力资源开发, 38(6): 68–78. (in Chinese)


Chen, H., & Kwan, H. K. 2021. How does paradoxical leadership improve employees’ work-family balance? 悖论式领导如何促进员工工作-家庭平衡?Foreign Economics and Management 外国经济与管理, 43(1): 95–110. (in Chinese)


Li, M., Tian, Q., & Kwan, H. K. 2021. Congruence effects of servant leadership supply-need fit on creativity: The roles of intrinsic motivation and proactive personality 服务型领导供求匹配一致性与创造力:内在动机与主动性人格的作用. Science and Technology Progress and Policy 科技进步与对, 38(20): 128–135. (in Chinese)


Liu, X.-Y., Kwan, H. K., & Zhang, X. 2020. Introverts maintain creativity: A resource depletion model of negative workplace gossip. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37(1): 325–344.


Li, J., Jia, L., Cai, Y., Kwan, H. K., & You, S. 2020. Employee-organization relationships and team performance: Role of team collective efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 206.


Wu, L.-Z., Ye, Y., Cheng, X.-M., Kwan, H. K., & Lyu, Y. 2020. Fuel the service fire: The effect of leader humor on frontline hospitality employees’ service performance and proactive customer service performance. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(5): 1755–1773.


Wu, X., Kwan, H. K., Ma, Y., Lai, G., & Yim, F. H.-K. 2020. Lone wolves reciprocate less deviance: A moral identity model of abusive supervision. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(7): 859–885.


Xu, X., Kwan, H. K., & Li, M. 2020. Experiencing workplace ostracism with loss of engagement. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 35(7/8): 617–630.


Kwan, H. K., Xu, X., Chen, H., & Li, M. 2020. Exploring why and when mentors drinking norms impact protégés alcohol misuse. In P. Kumar, & P. Budhwar (Eds.), Mentorship-driven talent management: The Asian experience: 87–105. Bingley, UK: Emerald.


Kwan, H. K. 2020. Does leader PUA only hurt followers? Not so simple 领导PUA只伤害下属?没那么简单. Harvard Business Review CHINA 哈佛商业评论中文版, November: 3839. (in Chinese)


Zhou, A., Yang, Z., Kwan, H. K., & Chiu, R. K. 2019. Work-family spillover and crossover effects of authentic leadership in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 57(4): 299321.


Zhang, X., & Kwan, H. K. 2019. Empowering leadership and team creativity: The roles of team learning behavior, team creative efficacy, and team task complexity. In C. Mainemelis, O. Epitropaki, & R. Kark (Eds.), Creative leadership: Contexts and prospects: 95121. New York, NY: Routledge.


Zhang, X., & Kwan, H. K. 2019. Team behavioral integration links team interdependence with team performance: An empirical investigation in R&D teams. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 13(1): 7.


Wu, X., Lyu, Y., Kwan, H. K., & Zhai, H. 2019. The impact of mentoring quality on protégés organization-based self-esteem and proactive behavior: The moderating role of traditionality. Human Resource Management, 58(4): 417430.


Lyu, Y., Wang, M., Le, J., & Kwan, H. K. 2019. Effects of authentic leadership on work-family balance in China. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 34(2): 110123.


Chen, X., Liu, J., Zhang, H., & Kwan, H. K. 2019. Cognitive diversity and innovative work behavior: The mediating roles of task reflexivity and relationship conflict and the moderating role of perceived support. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92(3): 671694.


Tian, Q.-T., Song, Y., Kwan, H. K., & Li, X. 2019. Workplace negative gossip and frontline employees’ proactive service performance. Service Industries Journal, 39(1): 2542.


Zhang, X., & Kwan, H. K. 2018. Team learning goal orientation and innovation: Roles of transactive memory system and task interdependence. GSL Journal of Business Management and Administration Affairs, 2(1): 109.


Liu, X.-Y., Kwan, H. K., Wu, L.-Z., & Zheng, X.-M. 2018. Emotional labor and family quality: The role of work-family positive spillover. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(6): 11131138.


Kwan, H. K., Zhang, X., Liu, J., & Lee, C. 2018. Workplace ostracism and employee creativity: An integrative approach incorporating pragmatic and engagement roles. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(12): 13581366.


Yang, Z., Zhang, H., Kwan, H. K., & Chen, S. 2018. Crossover effects of servant leadership and job social support on employee spouses: The mediating role of employee organization-based self-esteem. Journal of Business Ethics, 147(3): 595604.


Xin, J., Chen, S., Kwan, H. K., Chiu, R. K., & Yim, F. H.-K. 2018. Work-family spillover and crossover effects of sexual harassment: The moderating role of work-home segmentation preference. Journal of Business Ethics, 147(3): 619629.


Wu, X., Kwan, H. K., Wu, L.-Z., & Ma, J. 2018. The effect of workplace negative gossip on employee proactive behavior in China: The moderating role of traditionality. Journal of Business Ethics, 148(4): 801815.


Wang, Q., Bowling, N. A., Tian, Q.-T., Alarcon, G. M., & Kwan, H. K. 2018. Workplace harassment intensity and revenge: Mediation and moderation effects. Journal of Business Ethics, 151(1): 213234.


Lapierre, L. M., Li, Y., Kwan, H. K., Greenhaus, J. H., DiRenzo, M. S., & Shao, P. 2018. A meta-analysis of the antecedents of work-family enrichment. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(4): 385401.


Wang, M., Kwan, H. K., & Zhou, A. 2017. Effects of servant leadership on work-family balance in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 55(4): 387407.


Yi, J., Kwan, H. K., Hu, Y.-L., & Chen, S. 2017. Revenge exacerbates the effects of interpersonal problems on mentors’ emotional exhaustion and work-family conflict: A self-defeating perspective. Human Resource Management, 56(5): 851866.


Zhang, X., Zhou, J., & Kwan, H. K. 2017. Configuring challenge and hindrance contexts for introversion and creativity: Joint effects of task complexity and guanxi management. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 143: 5468.


Wu, X., Yan, R., & Kwan, H. K. 2017. The impact of self-management on college students’ career adaptability—An empirical research based on the self-concept-based theory 自我管理对大学生职业适应性的影响——基于自我概念理论的实证研究. Finance and Economics of Xinjiang 新疆财经, 204(1): 2232. (in Chinese)


Tian, Q. & Kwan, H. K. (Guan, H.). 2017. The revolution of job design: Advances and expectations of job crafting 工作设计革命:工作重塑的研究进展及展望. Human Resources Development of China 中国人力资源开发, 369(3): 617. (in Chinese)


Mao, Y., Kwan, H. K., Chiu, R. K., & Zhang, X. 2016. The impact of mentorship quality on mentors’ personal learning and work-to-family interface. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 54(1): 7997.


Liao, Y., Liu, X.-Y., Kwan, H. K., & Tian, Q.-T. 2016. Effects of sexual harassment on employees’ family undermining: Social cognitive and behavioral plasticity perspectives. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33(4): 959979.


Au, K., Chiang, F. F. T., Birtch, T. A., & Kwan, H. K. 2016. Entrepreneurial financing in new business ventures: A help-seeking behavior perspective. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12(1): 199213.


Wu, C.-H., Liu, J., Kwan, H. K., & Lee, C. 2016. Why and when workplace ostracism inhibits organizational citizenship behaviors: An organizational identification perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(3): 362378.


Tang, G., Kwan, H. K., Zhang, D., & Zhu, Z. 2016. Work-family effects of servant leadership: The roles of emotional exhaustion and personal learning. Journal of Business Ethics, 137(2): 285297.


Wei, F., Lee, J., & Kwan, H. K. 2016. Impact of active constructive leadership and passive corrective leadership on collective organizational commitment. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 37(7): 822842.


Liao, Y., Yang, Z., Wang, M., & Kwan, H. K. 2016. Work-family effects of LMX: The moderating role of work-home segmentation preferences. Leadership Quarterly, 27(4): 671683.


Wu, X., Kwan, H. K., & Ma, J. 2016. Does workplace networking behavior enhance employee creativity? A moderated mediation model 与同事多打交道会增强员工创造力吗? 一个被调节的中介模型. Forecasting 预测, 35(4): 814. (in Chinese)


Kwan, H. K., Yim, F. H.-K., & Zhou, X. 2015. Effects of mentoring on customer orientation: The moderating role of gender. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 53(1): 124140.


Liao, Y., Liu, X.-Y., Kwan, H. K., & Li, J. 2015. Work-family effects of ethical leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 128(3): 535545.


Wu, L.-Z., Kwan, H. K., Yim, F. H.-K., Chiu, R. K., & He, X. 2015. CEO ethical leadership and corporate social responsibility: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(4): 819831.


Wu, L.-Z., Ferris, D. L., Kwan, H. K., Chiang, F., Snape, E., & Liang, L. H. 2015. Breaking (or making) the silence: How goal interdependence and social skill predict being ostracized. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 131: 5166.


Tepper, B. J., Mitchell, M. S., Haggard, D. L., Kwan, H. K., & Park, H. 2015. On the exchange of hostility with supervisors: An examination of self-enhancing and self-defeating perspectives. Personnel Psychology, 68(4): 723758.


Wu, X., Kwan, H. K. (Guan, H.-G.), & Ma, J. 2015. Why do employees prefer workplace networking behavior? Empirical research based on tract activation theory 员工为什么热衷于构建职场关系网络——基于特质激发理论的实证研究. Foreign Economics and Management 外国经济与管理, 37(6): 5063. (in Chinese)


Li, J., Wu, L.-Z., Liu, D., Kwan, H. K., & Liu, J. 2014. Insiders maintain voice: A psychological safety model of organizational politics. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31(3): 853874.


Liu, X.-Y., Kwan, H. K., & Chiu, R. K. 2014. Customer sexual harassment and frontline employees’ service performance in China. Human Relations, 67(3): 333356.


Wu, L.-Z., Zhang, H., Chiu, R. K., Kwan, H. K., & He, X. 2014. Hostile attribution bias and negative reciprocity beliefs exacerbate incivility’s effects on interpersonal deviance. Journal of Business Ethics, 120(2): 189199.


Zhang, H., Kwan, H. K., Zhang, X., & Wu, L.-Z. 2014. High core self-evaluators maintain creativity: A motivational model of abusive supervision. Journal of Management, 40(4): 11511174.


Duan, J., Kwan, H. K., & Ling, B. 2014. The role of voice efficacy in the formation of voice behavior: A cross-level examination. Journal of Management and Organization, 20(4): 526543.


Yi, J., Kwan, H. K. (Guan, H.-G.), & Yang, Z.-W. 2014. Effects of empowering leadership on spouse family quality 授权型领导对员工家庭质量的影响. Foreign Economics and Management 外国经济与管理, 36(9): 5260. (in Chinese)


Yang, Z., Wu, X., & Kwan, H. K. 2014. Effects of leader-member exchange on family undermining: A moderated-mediation model 领导部属交换对员工家庭贬损的影响研究: 一个有调节的中介模型. Journal of Psychological Science 心理科学, 37(6): 14501454. (in Chinese)


Chen, Y., Ferris, D. L., Kwan, H. K., Yan, M., Zhou, M., & Hong, Y. 2013. Self-love’s lost labor: A self-enhancement model of workplace incivility. Academy of Management Journal, 56(4): 11991219.


Wu, L.-Z., Tse, E. C.-Y., Fu, P. P., Kwan, H. K., & Liu, J. 2013. The impact of servant leadership on hotel employees’ “servant behavior”. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 54(4): 383395.


Kwan, H. K. 2013. Organizational citizenship behavior, resource exchanges, and career growth opportunities. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 7(2): 219243.


Liu, J., Kwan, H. K., Lee, C., & Hui, C. 2013. Work-to-family spillover effects of workplace ostracism: The role of work-home segmentation preferences. Human Resource Management, 52(1): 7594.


Liu, J., Lee, C., Hui, C., Kwan, H. K., & Wu, L.-Z. 2013. Idiosyncratic deals and employee outcomes: The mediating roles of social exchange and self-enhancement and the moderating role of individualism. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(5): 832840.


Wu, L.-Z., Kwan, H. K., Wei, L.-Q., & Liu, J. 2013. Ingratiation in the workplace: The role of subordinate and supervisor political skill. Journal of Management Studies, 50(6): 9911017.


Liu, J., Kwan. H. K., Fu, P. P., & Mao, Y. 2013. Ethical leadership and job performance in China: The roles of workplace friendships and traditionality. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 86(4): 564584.


Martin, G. S., Keating, M. A., Resick, C. J., Szabo, E., Kwan, H. K., & Peng, C. 2013. The meaning of leader integrity: A comparative study across Anglo, Asian, and Germanic cultures. Leadership Quarterly, 24(3): 445461.


Kwan, H. K., Lee, C., Wright, L. P., & Hui, C. 2013. Re-examining the goal-setting questionnaire. In E. A. Locke & G. P. Latham (Eds.), New developments in goal setting and task performance: 583600. New York, NY: Routledge.


Kwan, H. K., Lau, V. P., & Au, K. 2012. Effects of family-to-work conflict on business owners: The role of family business. Family Business Review, 25(2): 178190.


Zhang, H., Kwan, H. K., Everett, A. M., & Jian, Z. 2012. Servant leadership, organizational identification, and work-to-family enrichment: The moderating role of work climate for sharing family concerns. Human Resource Management, 51(5): 747768.


Liu, J., Kwan, H. K., & Mao, Y. 2012. Mentorship quality and protégés’ work-to-family positive spillover, career satisfaction, and voice behavior in China. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(19): 41104128.


Wu, L.-Z., Yim, F. H.-K., Kwan, H. K., & Zhang, X. 2012. Coping with workplace ostracism: The roles of ingratiation and political skill in employee psychological distress. Journal of Management Studies, 49(1): 178199.


Wu, L.-Z., Kwan, H. K., Liu, J., & Resick, C. J. 2012. Work-to-family spillover effects of abusive supervision. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 27(7): 714731.


Jian, Z., Kwan, H. K., Qiu, Q., Liu, Z. Q., & Yim, F. H.-K. 2012. Abusive supervision and frontline employees’ service performance. Service Industries Journal, 32(5): 683698.


Liu, X.-Y., Liu, J., & Kwan, H. K. 2012. A longitudinal study on the influencing mechanism of customer sexual harassment on employees’ job performance: The moderating roles of employee traditional Chinese values and team emotional climate 顾客性骚扰对员工服务绩效影响机制的追踪研——员工传统性与团队情绪氛围的调节作用. Management World 管理世界, 10: 107118. (in Chinese)


Kwan, H. K., & Mao, Y. 2011. The role of citizenship behavior in personal learning and workfamily enrichment. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 5(1): 96120.


Resick, C. J., Martin, G. S., Keating, M. A., Dickson, M. W., Kwan, H. K., & Peng, C. 2011. What ethical leadership means to me: Asian, American, and European perspectives. Journal of Business Ethics, 101(3): 435457.


Kwan, H. K., Liu, J., & Yim, F. H.-K. 2011. Effects of mentoring functions received on receivers’ organizational citizenship behavior in a Chinese context: A two-study investigation. Journal of Business Research, 64(4): 363370.


Chiang, F. F. T., Birtch, T. A., & Kwan, H. K. 2010. The moderating roles of job control and work-life balance practices on employee stress in the hotel and catering industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(1): 2532.


Liu, J., Kwan, H. K., Wu, L.-Z, & Wu, W. 2010. Abusive supervision and subordinate supervisor-directed deviance: The moderating role of traditional values and the mediating role of revenge cognitions. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 83(4): 835856.


Kwan, H. K., Mao, Y., & Zhang, H. 2010. The impact of role modeling on protégés’ personal learning and work-to-family enrichment. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77(2): 313322.


Au, K., & Kwan, H. K. 2009. Start-up capital and Chinese entrepreneurs: The role of family. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 33(4): 889908.


Liu, D., Liu, J., Kwan, H. K., & Mao, Y. 2009. What can I gain as a mentor? The effect of mentoring on the job performance and social status of mentors in China. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82(4): 871895.





Kwan, H. K., Li, M., & Xu, X. 2021. Research on work-family supportive supervisor behaviors 家庭支持型领导行为研究. Beijing: Science Press 科学出版. (in Chinese)





Xu, X., Li, M., & Kwan, H. K. 2021. The antecedents of moral identity: A meta-analytic review. Best Paper Proceedings of the 2021 Academy of Management Meeting.


Zhang, X., & Kwan, H. K. 2015. Workplace ostracism and employee performance outcomes: The pragmatic and psychological effects. Best Paper Proceedings of the 2015 Academy of Management Meeting.


Chen, Y., Ferris, D. L., & Kwan, H. K. 2011. Self-love’s lost labor: Narcissism exacerbates incivility’s effects on engagement and performance. Best Paper Proceedings of the 2011 Academy of Management Meeting.


Zhang, X., Chen, Y. Y., & Kwan, H. K. 2010. Empowering leadership and team creativity: The roles of team learning and team creative efficacy. Best Paper Proceedings of the 2010 Academy of Management Meeting.





·           Kwan, H. K. How and when do exploitative CEOs impede corporate social responsibility? The roles of organizational ethical culture and board monitoring. China Europe International Business School. 2025. (RMB288,000) (Ref: AG24HWD)

·           Kwan, H. K. Top management team optimism diversity and new product introduction. China Europe International Business School. 20242025. (RMB420,000) (Ref: AG23TMT)

·           Kwan, H. K. Personalities and leadership. China Europe International Business School. 20232024. (RMB100,000) (Ref: AB23XGL)

·           Kwan, H. K. Are humorous frontline employees hotels’ secret weapons? Investigating when and why employee sense of humor promotes service performance. China Europe International Business School. 2023. (RMB200,000) (Ref: AG22AHF)

·           Kwan, H. K. High performers lose labor: A self-consistency model of organizational exploitation. China Europe International Business School. 20222024. (RMB400,000) (Ref: AG22HPL)

·           Kwan, H. K. The effects of negative mentoring experiences on mentor creativity: The roles of mentor ego depletion and traditionality. China Europe International Business School. 20202022. (RMB400,000) (Ref: AG21TEO)

·           Kwan, H. K. The effects of mentor alcohol use norms on mentorship quality. China Europe International Business School. 20192021. (RMB400,000) (Ref: 19TEOMA)

·           Kwan, H. K., Cai, Y., Cao, J., Ouyang, K., Tian, Q., & Wang, M. 家庭支持型领导的内涵、跨层次影响机制及其影响:一项追踪研究 Antecedents and consequences of family-supportive supervisor behavior: A longitudinal investigation. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目 National Natural Science Foundation of China. 20172020. (RMB480,000) (Ref: 71672108) (Evaluated as Excellent 评为优)

·           Chen, S., & Kwan, H. K. 中国情境下高管团队交互记忆系统内涵、形成机制与影响 The connotation, formation mechanism and influence of executive team's interactive memory system in China.参与国家自然科学基金面上项目 National Natural Science Foundation of China. 20172020. (RMB440,000) (Ref: 71672127)

·           Kwan, H. K., Zhang, D., & Wang, M. 上海进一步加强国际合作办学问题研究 Research on Shanghai strengthening the cooperation associated with international education. 上海市人民政府决策咨询研究重点课题  The Development Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government. 2016. (RMB100,000) (Ref: 2016-A-024)

·           Hui, C., Lee, C., Liu, J., Kwan, H. K., & Lam, S.S.K. Towards a threat-reaction theory of supervisor reactions to subordinate voice. RGC General Research Fund (GRF) 20132015. (HK$394,500) (Ref: HKU791013)

·           Li, J., Kwan, H. K., Wen, J., & Chen, Z. 伦理型领导与团队创造性关系研究 Ethical leadership and team creativity. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 National Natural Science Foundation of China. 20132016. (RMB540,000) (Ref: 71272007)

·           Wu, L.-Z., Yim, H.-K., Kwan, H. K., Wu, X.-F., & Yang, Z.-W. 20122015. Consequences of workplace negative gossip: A longitudinal investigation. National Natural Science Foundation of China. (RMB200,000)



academic awards


·           Human Relations Reviewer of the Year Award (2023, only one award each year)

·           Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research Finalist (2019)

·           Teaching Excellence Award (1st rank), Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (申万宏源奖教金特等奖) (2017)

·           Emerald/IACMR Chinese Management Research Fund Award (Highly Commended) (2015)

·           Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, International Journal of Hospitality Management (2015)

·           Citation of Excellence Award, Emerald Group Publishing (2015)

·           Top Poster Award, Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2015)

·           Outstanding Worker Award, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (校先进工作者) (2015)

·           Best Paper Award, World Business Ethics Forum (2014)

·           Teaching Excellence Award (3rd rank), Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (校教学基金奖三等奖) (2014)

·           Best Supervision Award for Undergraduate Student Thesis, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (2013)

·           Li Ning Dissertation Proposal Grant (Second Prize Award), International Association for Chinese Management Research (RMB5000) (2011)

·           Best International Implications Paper Award in Organizational Behavior Division, Academy of Management Conference (2010)

·           Kenneth E. Clark Student Research Award for First Place Paper, Center for Creative Leadership and International Leadership Association (2010)

·           Best Micro Paper Award, International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference (2010)

·           Drexel University Teaching Excellence Award (highly commended) (2010)

·           Drexel University International Travel Award (2010)

·           Best Doctoral Paper Award in Entrepreneurship/Information Technology/Innovation Track, Southern Management Association (2009)

·           Winner of Drexel University Teaching Excellence Award (2009)

·           Best Doctoral Paper Award in Human Resources/Careers Track, Southern Management Association (2008)

·           Award of International Essay Contest for Students in India and China entitled: “What can India and China learn from one another?” organized by knowledge@wharton (http://knowledge.wharton.com.cn) (2006)

·           Cheung Kwun Fung Scholarship, Chinese University of Hong Kong (1995)

·           Lee Kam Chung Scholarship, Chinese University of Hong Kong (1995)





·           Academy of Management (AOM)

·           Asia Academy of Management (AAOM)

·           International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR)

·           Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)

·           Southern Management Association (SMA)





Senior Editor

·           Asia Pacific Journal of Management (20192025)


Managing Editor

·           Asia Pacific Journal of Management (2017, 2018, 2019)


Editorial Review Board Member

·           Asia Pacific Journal of Management (2017, 2018)

·           Human Relations (20192025)

·           Human Resource Management (20222025)

·           Journal of Organizational Behavior (20232025)

·           Journal of Vocational Behavior (20192025)

·           Journal of Managerial Psychology (2017)

·           Management and Organization Review (20222025)

·           Personnel Psychology (20232025)


Board Representative

·           Asia Academy of Management (20192026)


Committee Member

·           Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award Committee (20202024)

·           China Labor Economics Institute, Career Development and Management Division 中国劳动经济学会职业开发与管理分会理事 (2018Date)

·           English Program Committee, International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference (2018, 2020)


Proposal Reviewer

·           Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (2012, 2013)


Journal Reviewer

·           Advances in Psychological Science 心理科学进展 (2019)

·           African Journal of Business Management (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015)

·           Applied Psychology: An International Review (2014, 2021)

·           Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources (2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020)

·           Asia Pacific Journal of Management (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)

·           Business Ethics: A European Review (2023)

·           Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility (2023, 2024)

·           Community, Work and Family (2019)

·           Cornell Hospitality Quarterly (2012)

·           Foreign Economics and Management 外国经济与管理 (2015, 2016, 2017)

·           Frontiers of Business Research in China (2015, 2016, 2018, 2019)

·           Frontiers in Psychology (2021, 2022)

·           Fundamental Research (2022)

·           Human Relations (2015, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

·           Human Resource Management (2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)

·           International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (2022)

·           International Journal of Hospitality Management (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2021, 2022)

·           International Journal of Human Resource Management (2011, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2024)

·           Journal of Business Ethics (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

·           Journal of Business Research (2019)

·           Journal of Management and Organization (2017)

·           Journal of Management Studies (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2024)

·           Journal of Managerial Psychology (2011, 2012,2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018)

·           Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2024)

·           Journal of Occupational Health Psychology (2016)

·           Journal of Organizational Behavior (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

·           Journal of Vocational Behavior (2019, 2020, 2022, 2023)

·           Management and Organization Review (2016, 2021, 2022, 2023)

·           Omega (2019)

·           Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (2015, 2020, 2022)

·           Personnel Psychology (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

·           Psychological Reports (2014, 2015, 2016)


Conference Track Chair

·           OB Asia Academy of Management Conference (2022)


Conference Reviewer

·           Academy of Management Conference (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)

·           International Conference on Service Science and Innovation (2013)

·           International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference (2012, 2016, 2020)

·           Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (2011)

·           Asia Academy of Management Conference (2010)

·           Southern Management Association Meeting (2009)


Session Chair

·           Asia Academy of Management Conference (2022, 2024)

·           International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference (2014, 2018, 2023)

·           First HR Division International Conference (2014)



·           Human Resources Development of China Annual Meeting 中国人力资源开发学术年会(2019)

·           CEIBS OB/HR Symposium (2016)

·           CEIBS Mini Conference (2015)


Local Arrangements Committee Member

·           Eastern Academy of Management Meeting (2012)


Policy Suggestions

·           “Suggestions on further easing entry restrictions to increase the attractiveness of foreign talents” “关于进一步放宽对外限制,增加外籍人才吸引力的建议直报 (October, 2022)

·           “Three bottlenecks need to be broken through for promoting high-quality innovation and entrepreneurship among university graduates” “推动大学生高质量创新创业 需先解决三大瓶颈直报 (July, 2022)

·           “Promoting the high-quality development of entrepreneurship of returned rural migrant workers” “关于推动返乡创业高质量发展的政策建议” received special attention from authorities concerned (September, 2021)